28 مايو 2012

LUX Event ,, Looking Like a Star

 طبعاً للي في الرياض انتهى الايفينت 
بس للي في جده عندكم فرصه ابتداء من٢٩مايو الين ٣١ مايو انكم تلتقون بخبراء التجميل والأزياء مثل جويل وخبيرة الأزياء كاميليا كامل واخصائيين التغذيه من جولد جيم 
راح يكون فيه نصائح مقدمه عن العطور والأزياء والتجميل والتغذيه مقدمه لكم من خبراء

لأهل جده او اللي راح يكون متواجد فيها لاتفوتون فرصه الحضور راح يكون فيه مفاجأت وسحوبات للحاضرين 
٨ زائرات راح يفوزون بفرصه ميك اوفر كامل من مركز جويل للتجميل " لاميزون دو جويل "
و٢ راح يحضون بفرصه انه يلبسون من اختيارات كاميليا كامل 

شخصياً ماقدرت احضر الايفنت اللي في الرياض بسبب الاختبارات ان شاء الله السنه القادمه يكون عندي فرصه احضره 

Lux Beauty Gallery all set to enchant women in KSA
~A glamorous platform that promises to give ‘the million dollar feeling’ to consumers~
~ Experts like Joelle Mardinian (Maison de Joelle), Kamilia Kamel (Fashion Expert) and Diet and Fitness Experts from GOLD’S GYM will conduct special sessions for the participants

Riyadh/Jeddah: xxMay, 2012: Lux Beauty Gallery, an event beaming with beauty and fashion and glitz and glamour is all set to take center stage and give selected Lux consumers a larger than life experience of ‘Looking like a Star’;  indulging themselves with Lux world of beauty. The Lux Beauty Gallery along with its four renowned experts will provide the participants with in-depth knowledge and expert advice  in the areas of make-up and  hair, skincare, fragrances, healthy eating, and fashion and styling. This event is being conducted in two sessions spread over six days in KSA at Riyadh and Jeddah with an anticipated attendance of over 3000 Lux fans. The event is scheduled from 21st – 23rd May at Ritz Carlton in Riyadh and from 29th – 31st May at The Hilton in Jeddah.
Lux, one of Uniliver’s beauty brands, has partnered with Joelle Mardinian, leading beauty expert and her team from Maison de Joelle to provide consultation to consumers in the area of makeup, and hair. Joelle will also perform a live demonstration on stage for the latest hair styling techniques and make up. There will also be  eight lucky  Lux winners who will win a make over at the Maison de Joelle by entering a draw when buying a lux promo pack..
There will be VIP cards which will be inserted in the Lux promotional packs. Winners of VIP tickets will get a VIP treatment to the gallery were personalized make-up and hair advice will be given to them to get tips and advice that will help them look and feel beautiful and glamorous. During the intermissions, participants can take a short break and visit the LUX Fragrance Café and connect with the LUX portfolio of products.

Kamilia Kamel, one of the region’s most talented Saudi fashion experts who specializes in Abayas and evening gowns will also be showcasing her collection in the Lux Gallery that reflects the spirit of beauty. Kamilia will be dressing up 2 Lux winner who will attend the Lux Beauty Gallery (1 from Jeddah and Riyadh respectively);giving them the opportunity to be and feel like a glamorous star.
Fragrance experts who will be flying down from the Givaudan Fragrance House in Paris will be offering expert advice to the participating women to help them pick the right fragrance that best suits their personality and character. They will also be demonstrating the latest trends in mixing the best perfumes from around the world.  This stems from Lux’s partnership with Givaudan House and the famous world frangrance expert Ann Gotlieb to launch the new Lux Fine Fragrance range that will be showcased duringthe event. There will also be a nutrition and fitness experts from Gold’s Gym will provide advice and consultation on eating right to stay and feel beautiful.
Lux Beauty Gallery is an initiative by Lux responding to the need for today’s  woman to feel and live like a star and give them the royal and million dollar feeling of beauty and glamour. Lux believes that all women are beautiful and Lux Beauty Gallery is a platform that brings out their beauty.
Lux Beauty Gallery is also scheduled to take place in Dubai, UAE on 2nd& 3rd June at Asateer tent, Atlantis Hotel.

DIY : Rosette Ball

 أهلين بنات كيفكم ؟
الاسبوع اللي راح سوينا حفله تخرج بسيطه لأختي الصغيره وبما أني اعشق الأعمال اليدويه قررت اسوي كوره الورد هذي 
طبعاً طريقة عملها مررره سهله بس لازم تنتبهون من الجلو جن اللي هو الصمغ المسدس حرق لي اصابعي :(
وعشان كذا سويت لكم البوست هذا اتمنى يعجبكم واعذروني عالاضاءه كانت الساعه ٣ الفجر يوم سويتها وبعد اذا شفتوا حوسه شوي غضوا البصر هههههههه

Hi Everyone :) Hope you are doing well :)
So last week was my little sister graduation party it wasn't that big just family and few of her close friends ..
 and since I LOVE hand crafts I decided to have fun and make these Rosette Balls 
They are very easy to make but you have to be careful " I got burned by the glue gun many times :( "
but every body loved it so I thought I should share it with you guys ^^"
Excuse me for the bad lighting It was like  3am and ignore the messy background :$ 

أول خطوة اللي هي تجهيز الأدوات
راح تحتاجون مقص
الورق الي يجي متعفط مو متأكده من الاسم اتوقع كورنيش؟؟ صححوني اذا غلط الاسم
الشي الثالث كوره فلين موجوده عند مكتبة الشرق
وآخر شي ماصورته اللي هو الصمغ المسدس

First Step is to prepare the things that you will need
a scissor
Tissue paper
glue gun
and a foam ball

قصي الورق بشكل طولي تقريباً بعرض ١٠ سم وطول ٧٠ سم مو ضروري تتقيدين بمقاس الطول  اهم شي يكونون كلهم نفس المقاس عشان تكون الورود متساويه 

Start by cutting the paper into strips about 10 cm wide  and about 70 cm long 

راح تطلع لكم نفس الشكل هذا راح تحتاجين ٢٥ قطعه زيها 
you will end up with a strip like this one you will need about 25 

 عفطي الشريحه ههههههه الخطوه هذي اختياريه بس الافضل تسوينها عشان تعطيها 
حدود طبيعيه 

Then crumple the strips that will give it a more dimensions

بعدين نرجع نفرد الشريحه ونصفطها من النص 

fold the strip into half

امسكي الطرف من البدايه وابدي لفيها حولين اصبعك بعدين حاول تلفين وتسوين للورق زي التويست امم يعني تبرمينه شوي  وانتي ماسكتها من تحت اتمنى فهمتو الخطوه هذي راح تحوسين فيها شوي بس راح تضبطينها بعد اكثر من محاوله 
Now take your strip and start on one end and begin rolling it up between your fingers
After you have a few rolls continue to roll it while your 
holding it

بعد ماتخلصون لف لزقوا الطرف بشوي صمغ مسدس وراح تطلع لكم ورده 
بعد ماتخلصون كل الشرايح راح يكون عندكم ٢٥ ورده

After you finish rolling glue the end of the strip with a glue gun then you will end up with a rosette make 25 of them 

ما ادري وين راحت صوره الخطوه الأخيره !! بس هي سهله تلزقين الورود جنب بعض على كوره الفلين وراح تطلع لك النتيجه حاولي مايكون بين الورد فراغات عشان يطلع شكلها حلو 
اتمنى عجبكم العمل هذا واشوفكم قريب ان شاء الله 

the last step I couldn't find the Picture of it but it is very easy just glue the rosettes into the foam ball and TADAAA You're done!! 

I Hope that you liked it have a nice day :D